Saturday, February 26, 2011

Site Options...

There are several possibilities for site selection at the Kings Mills site.  While the existing landscape is free of any structures, there is an existing parking lot that dominates the site.  It would make the most sense to re-use this parking lot and re-develop it as an integral part of a new drosscape intervention.  However, it is worth looking at the other options to see how their benefits might aid in the development of Option 1.

Site Option 1 (most desired)

This option orients a new transportation terminal along Kings Island Drive, the main access road to the site.  his road also has direct access to I-71, the main highway to Cincinnati, to the West.  This solution takes advantage of the existing parking lot and allows for the partially developed site to be reused.  By orienting the building to both the parking lot, road and highway, there is a visible link to the forms.

Option 2 (least desirable)

Option 2 would use the open green space to the South of the existing parking lot.  There are little to no benefits to using this space.  Additional parking would need to be created and the existing parking lot would be even more wasteful than it currently is.  This site could be marked for future development to augment the station once it is established on the Option 1 site.  Perhaps and exterior park or space for business people of even a facility for the buses/trains?

Option 3 (the rest stop)

Option 3 proposed some unique circumstances that are desirable in site selection.  First, the site is heavily wooded, meaning a new building could be interwoven within the landscape, rather than existing on it's own.  Simple luxuries like shade and landscaping can make the commuter expereince more relaxing.  Also, the building is oriented directly to I-71; the identifiable transportation link is made.  However, again, the drawback is that the existing parking lot remains unused and an area with trees would be altered.  Some of the pros of this site can be applied to the option 1 site.  Shelter for the commuter (not just man-made) / orientation to the existing transportation


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. why not have a multi-level deck with shelter for those who park on the covered parking levels? why not add trees and park-like spaces for the atmosphere you are trying to give the riders?

  3. mary:

    that is what i am working towards. Before I start programming the interior and exterior spaces with tress, benches, etc., i need to look at the basic spatial properties and how it creates the overall experience for the commuter. Once I am able to better understand that, items such as plazas, trees and interior/exterior space will be easier to design. likewise, there needs to be a justification for multilevel parking in such an expansive site - typically parking it arranged vertically to maximize space - here that is not the issue - not saying a walmart style parking lot is the solution, just that i need to know why the parking should be vertical or horizotal and how it makes a more user friendly expereince...good points...thanks
